Jesus Christ, through His priestly ministry, provided salvation unto all men. Those who receive Him, of both Jew and Gentile, become members of His family. Under the Old Covenant, the priesthood belonged to Aaron and his sons. Since believers, by faith, are part of Christ’s family line, they receive the ministry of the priesthood also. In the pages of this study, we will provide foundational truth concerning the royal priesthood of the believer.
Friday, February 25, 2022
Friday, February 18, 2022
Book of the Week: Pastoral and Teaching Ministries 101: Biblical Studies for the Ministries of the Pastor and of the Teacher
God set ministries within the Church; namely, the pastor and the teacher for its continuance. These ministries are important for the equipping and maturing of the saints. In the pages of this study, we will discuss the ministries of the pastor and of the teacher in detail.
Friday, February 11, 2022
Book of the Week: The Prophetic Mantle: The Gift of Prophecy and Prophetic Operations in the Church Today
The gift of prophecy is an awesome gift. Paul instructed us to covet to prophesy. The focus of this book is to bring clarity to the gift of prophecy, prophetic operations, and to the pitfalls associated with prophetic ministry. This information will help individuals to rediscover the purpose of the prophetic gift in the Church.
Friday, February 4, 2022
Book of the Week: Apostolic and Prophetic Foundations 101: Foundational Studies for the Apostolic and the Prophetic Ministries
The focus of this teaching and study material is to bring clarity and understanding to the apostolic and prophetic offices, and also to the apostolic and prophetic anointings. These lessons will help individuals to recognize the operations of these anointings in the lives of believers.