Friday, November 24, 2023

Book of the Week: The Mystery of God: A Biblical Approach to Understanding the Godhead (Kingdom Mystery Series)

In this book, we will explore the mystery of God; that is, the doctrine of the Trinity or Triune God. For years, the debate continues as to whether Jesus Christ and the Father are the same or if they are separate. Answers to this controversy are within the word of God which clearly reveals the truth. In this publication, we will plainly discuss the Godhead; that is, the divine nature of God. Through the presentation of biblical truth, we will bring clarity to this controversial subject.

Friday, November 17, 2023

Book of the Week: The Chastening of the Lord: Biblical Studies in God's Discipline


Discipline means training that teaches one to obey rules and control his behavior. Is this not what God does with us as believers? He allows circumstances and situations to happen in our lives to teach and train us. In this publication, we will look closely at the place of God’s discipline in the Christian Life.
