Friday, December 27, 2024

Book of the Week: The Believer’s Guide to the Prophetic Ministry: A Comprehensive Study of the Prophetic Ministry in the Church (Ministry Guides Series)

In this book, we will bring clarity to the roles of prophets, the functionality of prophetic ministry, and the expressions of the prophetic gift. This study is comprised of 4 distinct works on the prophetic office and gift:

1) The Forming of the Prophet: The Preparation of the Prophet and Prophetic Minister for Ministry and Service

2) If They Be Prophets: An Examination of the Prophetic Office and Gift

3) The Prophetic Mantle: The Gift of Prophecy and Prophetic Operations in the Church Today

4) Prophetic Clarity: Exploring Questions & Answers for the Prophetic Office and Gift

It is our prayer that a greater understanding and appreciation for the prophetic gift and ministry will be achieved.

Friday, December 13, 2024

Book of the Week: The Word Dwelt among Us: The Principles of Christ, the Personality of Christ, and the Church (Principles & Precepts Series)

Since the earliest days of Christianity, there have been continual doctrinal battles concerning the faith. As time passed, theologians presented new theories and “revelations” concerning God and His word. Because of this, many are unsure of what to believe and of what is the proper way to approach God in religion and relationship. In this series, we will reflect on the correlation between religion, relationship, and righteousness in Christianity. Book 3 of 3.


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Friday, December 6, 2024

Book of the Week: The Word Was Made Flesh: The Principles of Christ versus the Personality of Christ (Principles & Precepts Series)

Since the earliest days of Christianity, there have been continual doctrinal battles concerning the faith. As time passed, theologians presented new theories and “revelations” concerning God and His word. Because of this, many are unsure of what to believe and of what is the proper way to approach God in religion and relationship. In this book, we will reflect on the correlation between religion, relationship, and righteousness in Christianity. Book 2 of 3.

Friday, November 29, 2024

Book of the Week: The Believer's Guide to the Apostolic Ministry: A Comprehensive Study of the Apostolic Ministry in the Church (Ministerial Endowments Series)

In this book, we will bring clarity to the roles of apostles, functionality of apostolic ministry, and the apostolic expressions of the apostolic gift. This study is comprised of 4 distinct works on the apostolic office and gift:

1)The Making of the Apostle: The Preparation of the Apostle and Apostolic Minister for Ministry and Service

2)The Apostle Question: Exploring the Role of Apostles in the New Testament Church

3) The Apostolic Revolution: Exploring the Apostolic Restoration and Reformation

4) The Apostolic Paradigm Shift: Examining the Coming Reformation of Apostles and Apostolic Ministry

It is our prayer that a greater understand and appreciation for the apostolic gift and ministry will be achieved.


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Friday, November 22, 2024

Book of the Week: Angels of Deception: Recognizing False Ministers (Kingdom Discipleship Series)

False ministers come in varying categories; that is, they demonstrate their false ministries in differing guises and gimmicks. In this publication, we want to explore five common types of false workers and ministers in the Church. As members of the Kingdom of God, we should be able to recognize and expose false ministers who try to infiltrate the Church.

Friday, November 15, 2024

Book of the Week: Keys to the Promises of God: Maintaining Faith While You Wait (Kingdom Keys Series)


In the publication, we will look closely at the biblical account of God’s promise to Abraham. From this, will discover truth to help Christians today to maintain faith as we wait on the promises of God.

Friday, November 8, 2024

Book of the Week: Keys to Service: Mastering the Art of Christian Servanthood (Kingdom Keys Series)


Service is a vital aspect of the Christian walk and experience. Each member of the Body of Christ is called to serve others. Jesus claimed that He did not come to be served, but to serve. This should be the attitude of every Christian.

In the publication, we will discuss the Christian call to servanthood. Though obstacles and challenges exist, Christian can master the art of servitude. Be encouraged to know that fruitful Chrisian service is attainable.


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Friday, November 1, 2024

Book of the Week: Ministry Matters 101: Foundational Studies for Ministers and the Ministry (Kingdom Study Series)

This teaching and study material is designed to bring sobriety to the purpose of ministry in the Kingdom. Ministry is a valuable part of the Kingdom. God anoints individuals in the Church with ministries and gifts to glorify Him. However, as the day of the Lord hastens, we find many believers entering into ministry with wrong motives. In addition, others are pursuing gifts for their own personal gain. Learn why God gives gifts and ministries and how to avoid error. This study is derived from 3 distinct works from the Abundant Truth International Leadership Series:

1) He Gave Gifts Unto Men: God's Plan for Ministry in the Kingdom

2) Motives in Ministry: Defining the Proper Motives for Ministry and Service

3) Troubled on Every Side: How God Uses People and Problems to Prepare Us for Ministry and Service

It is our prayer this study will aid those engaged in Christian ministry

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Friday, October 25, 2024

Book of the Week: Victorious Christian Living 101: Foundational Studies for Living Victoriously in Christ (Kingdom Study Series)

This teaching and study material focuses on Victorious Living through the study of two important parables of Jesus. In studying the parables of the kingdom of heaven, the Christian’s appreciation for salvation will be increased. Consequently, it will endow the Christian with faith and fortitude to live victoriously in Jesus Christ.

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Friday, October 18, 2024

Book of the Week: The Molding of the Prophetic Person: The Preparation of the Prophetic Person for Ministry and Service (Potter's Wheel Study Series)


In this book, we will examine individuals who possess a prophetic gift and grace. The individual who possesses a prophetic anointing upon his/her life is referred to as a prophetic person. Prophetic people possess the same characteristics as the prophets. They act as messengers and interpreters, though not with the same level of influence and authority.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Book of the Week: The Constructing of the Apostolic Person: The Preparation of the Apostolic Person for Ministry and Service (Potter's Wheel Study Series)


Since all are not apostles, God makes the benefit of apostolic ministry available to all by placing an apostolic anointing on other members in the Body. In this book, we will examine individuals who possess an apostolic gift and grace.

The individual who possesses an apostolic anointing upon his/her life is referred to as an apostolic person. Apostolic people possess the same characteristics as apostles. They act as disciples, sons (or daughters), and big brothers (or sisters).

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Friday, October 4, 2024

Book of the Week: The Building of the Teacher: The Preparation of the Teacher and the Teaching Disciple for Ministry and Service (Potter's Wheel Study Series)


The training of a teacher is oftentimes unending. God will allow disruption in every area of his life. It will prepare him for service. Those called to the teaching office should understand that preparation for ministry is in the development of godly character, characterized by love.  If this is done, the teacher will never fail as he discharges his ministry. In this book, we will discuss how God builds the teacher for ministry.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Book of the Week: The Yoking of the Pastor: The Preparation of the Pastor for Ministry and Service (Potter's Wheel Study Series)

The training of a pastor is oftentimes humbling. God will allow disruption in every  area of his life, personally and professionally. It will prepare him for service. Those called to the pastoral office should understand that preparation for this ministry will produce spiritual maturity and strength for leading God’s people.

Friday, September 20, 2024

Book of the Week: The Forming of the Prophet: The Preparation of the Prophet and Prophetic Minister for Ministry and Service (Potter's Wheel Study Series)

The training of a prophet is sometimes painful. God will deal with every area in his life to prepare him for service. Those called to the prophetic office should understand that preparation for ministry is in character, not solely in the development of spiritual gifts. In this book, we will discuss how God builds the prophet and prophetic minister for ministry.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Book of the Week: The Making of the Apostle: The Preparation of the Apostle and Apostolic Minister for Ministry and Service (Potter's Wheel Study Series)


The apostle’s ministry comes with authority, power, and the miraculous. This is only a part of the apostle’s ministry. His ministry serves as a reflection of Christ’s ministry to the Church. Consequently, the apostle’s character must be solid. Therefore, God will take the apostles through tests, trials, and temptations in order to prepare them for ministry. 

The training of an apostle is oftentimes humiliating. God will allow disruption in every area of his life to prepare him for service. Those called to the apostolic office should understand that preparation for ministry is in the development of Christ’s character. If this is done, the apostle will never come behind in any spiritual gift during ministry. In this book, we will discuss how God builds the apostle for ministry.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Book of the Week: The Development of the Disciple: The Preparation of the Christian for Ministry and Service (Potter's Wheel Study Series)

Ministry and service in the kingdom of God is a privilege. God calls every member of the Body of Christ to serve for the benefit and welfare of the Body of Christ. However, we must remember that there are personal preparations that God requires for service.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Book of the Week: Sanctuary for the Soul: A Poetical Anthology for Life's Journey (Poetry Anthology Series)

 Everyone needs a place of rest. Since life never stops, true rest can only be found inwardly. The poems in this anthology are crafted to encourage those of the Christian faith. In addition, the poetic pieces will inspire all those who appreciate the poetry genre.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Book of the Week: Keys to Ministry: Discovering the Foundation for Service and Ministry in the Church

In this publication, we will examine man’s origin, man’s obstinance, man’s obedience, and man’s obstacles to engaging in fruitful ministry and service. It is with this understanding that we can form the proper foundation to comprehend God’s mandate for ministry.

Book of the Week: A Royal Priesthood: Exploring the Kingship and Priesthood of the Believer (Royal Priesthood Study Series)


Under the Old Covenant, the priesthood belonged to Aaron and his sons. Since believers, by faith, are part of Christ's family line, they receive the ministry of the priesthood also. Under the Levitical system, there was one high priest among the priests. Christ was called a High Priest and not the only priest; thus, there has to be other priests that serve with Him. These other priests are those who have believed on Him. The believer receives kingship and priesthood through Jesus. To have a people of a royal priesthood has always been a part of God's plan for His people. It was His desire for the children of Israel, yet He developed this desire in the believers. In the pages of the second book of this set, we will bring clarity to the believers as the royal priesthood. Book 2 of 2. - Small Group and Bible study edition is available: "Royal Priesthood Studies 101: Introductory Studies to the Priesthood of the Believer."

Friday, August 16, 2024

Book of the Week: Out of Egypt into Canaan: Forgetting the Failures of the Past, Pressing Toward the Promises of God (Restoration and Recovery Series)

The Bible contains numerous accounts of individuals who erred in their relationships with the Lord. Yet, this did not inhibit them from doing good things for Him. In the first book of the Restoration and Recovery Series, we provide information and inspiration for those who may feel that they cannot recover in their walks with the Lord even after repeated mistakes and failures. Be encouraged to know that there is hope. Book 1 of 4.


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Friday, August 9, 2024

Book of the Week: A Kingdom of Priests: The Foundation for the Royal Priesthood of the Believer (Royal Priesthood Study Series)

 Under the Old Covenant, the priesthood belonged to Aaron and his sons. Since believers, by faith, are part of Christ's family line, they receive the ministry of the priesthood also. Under the Levitical system, there was one high priest among the priests. Christ was called a High Priest and not the only priest; thus, there has to be other priests that serve with Him. These other priests are those who have believed on Him. 

The believer receives kingship and priesthood through Jesus. To have a people of a royal priesthood has always been a part of God's plan for His people. It was His desire for the children of Israel, yet He developed this desire in the believers. In the pages this book, we will bring clarity to the foundation for the royal priesthood of the believer. Book 1 of 2. - Small Group and Bible study edition is available: "Royal Priesthood Studies 101: Introductory Studies to the Priesthood of the Believer."

Friday, August 2, 2024

Book of the Week: Out of the Pit into Purpose: Discovering Hope and Freedom in the Christian Journey (Abundant Truth International's Inspirational Series)

How do you handle personal mistakes? Do you allow them to paralyze your personal success and spiritual growth? Or, do you allow them to induce fear and doubt in your relationship with Christ? The Bible contains numerous accounts of individuals who failed in their relationship with Him. Yet, this did not prevent them from doing great things for Him. In the second book of this series, we will continue to examine the failures and ultimate successes of biblical characters. If they overcame, then, the Christian today can come out of any personal pit and enter into their God-given purpose. Their examples provide hope and strength for the Christian today.


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Friday, July 26, 2024

Book of the Week: The World, The Flesh, and The Devil (3 Books in 1): Practical Insights to Living Victoriously in Christ (Abundant Truth Deluxe Editions)


In this publication, we have combined the three publications from the Abundant Truth Overcomer Series. In this book, you will receive guidelines for walking in victory. You will learn how to recognize and defeat the plans of the enemy. You will realize that you can live holy. God has already promised you the victory. Prepare yourself. The time has come for you to live victoriously in Christ through overcoming the world, the flesh, and the devil.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Book of the Week: Kingdom Practice, Power, and Principle: A Guide to the Kingdom of God (Kingdom Growth Study Series)


We are not only members of the Church, but also of the Kingdom of God. When Jesus came, He told us that the Kingdom of God was at hand, upon us, and is coming. If He made so many references to the Kingdom of God, it is then our responsibility to learn how to live in the Kingdom of God. It is the only way we can prosper and live in victory; for the Scriptures say that our citizenship is in heaven (Philippians 3:20). 

In this publication, we will explore five foundational principles for the Christian life as citizens of God’s kingdom. In understanding these concepts, one will live a successful life on the Christian journey.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Book of the Week: Prophetic Ministry, Mistakes, and Mishaps: Understanding the Pitfalls of Prophetic Ministry (Abundant Truth Spiritual Gifts Series)

In this publication, we will offer clarity to the prophetic gift, which will guard against mistakes in the prophetic ministry. The gift of prophecy is an awesome gift. However, many lives have been negatively influenced. Misery was a consequence of Mistakes in this ministry. The focus of this book is to provide practical insights to the function and purpose of this gift.

This information presented is a collection of information from other books on the prophetic office and gift. It is our prayer that people will develop an assurance and appreciation for this gift and ministry.


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Friday, July 5, 2024

Book of the Week: Search the Scriptures: Exploring Christian Principles for Victorious Living (Abundant Truth Life Study Series)

 In this publication, we have compiled select teachings and exhortations to transform the Christian’s walk with Christ. Some areas of interest are the believer’s ministry, the Christian’s determination in Christ, and how to receive revelation from God. It is our prayer that the believer will learn to trust the scriptures in every area of living.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Book of the Week: Press Towards the Mark: Responding to the Christian Call to Male Perseverance (Abundant Truth Men's Study Series)


God has a plan for our lives. Though His ultimate desire is for men to be sons of God indeed, God has also placed the male in the earth to reach a certain destiny. God is a God of purpose. Everything that He does has a reason and a purpose behind it. If God has allowed us to live thus far, it is because we have not reached our destiny. In this publication, men will discover some foundational truths to fulfilling the will of God for their lives. Includes Perseverance Journal.


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Sunday, June 23, 2024

The Apostolic Revolution: Exploring the Apostolic Restoration and Reformation (Apostolic Ministry Revival Series)


Apostles and apostolic ministry are important to the furtherance of the Kingdom of God and the Church. But, some have become vulnerable to deception and error. Many apostles have abused their ministries and authority. Therefore, the Lord is going to send an apostolic paradigm shift in the midst of the Church. In the first book of this series, we will show the events that led to the primary apostolic revolution in the early Church. We will discuss how there was a need for a replacement in the early apostles which was the prerequisite for the outpouring of the Spirit and formation and foundation of the establishment of the New Testament faith and early disciples.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Book of the Week: Power for Kingdom Service: Exploring the Gifts and Ministries of the Kingdom (Abundant Truth Spiritual Gifts Series)

In this book, we will briefly discuss the gifts and ministries of the Spirit of God, their functions, and how to recognize them in operation. God gives the Church gifts to benefit everyone. The purpose of the gifts is not make us spiritual, but to help us to serve and minister to one another in love. The operation of the Spirit of God and His gifts/ministries among believers testifies to the presence of God in the Church.


Friday, June 14, 2024

Book of the Week: The Successful Christian 101: Twelve Lessons for Mastering the Art of Christian Life and Service


There is an art to the Christian life and service which is attainable through the principles set forth in the Bible. In the pages of this study, we will discuss twelve areas that are important to successful Christian living. In mastering these areas, the Christian is able to live in the abundant life.

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Friday, June 7, 2024

Book of the Week: Christian Discipleship 101: Lessons for Spiritual Growth and Maturity in the Christian Life (Kingdom Study Series)


Christians are called to be disciples. Though we engage in religious services and ministries, the pursuit of discipleship must be the foundation for the Christian's life and service. In this study, we will examine three parables: the parables of the hidden treasure, the pearl of great price, and the unmerciful servant. As we learn from these parables, we will stay on the path to true discipleship.

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Friday, May 31, 2024

Book of the Week: The Spirit-Directed Organization: A Brief Examination and Refutation of the Doctrines of the Jehovah's Witness (Polemics Study Series)


 Birthed out of the Adventist movements of the 1800's, the Watchtower Society, known commonly as Jehovah's Witnesses, has become a worldwide religious organization. Though it claims to be the true Christian religion approved by Jesus Christ, controversy overshadows it to the present day. In this publication, we will examine the doctrines of the Watchtower Society and provide Christians with orthodox biblical responses to their truth claims.

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Friday, May 24, 2024

Book of the Week: Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs: Understanding the Call to Worship (Mikhtam Music Worship Series)

The Christian’s worship, praise, and adoration of God transcend the gathering together in churches. It extends into everyday life. The call to worship, praise, and adoration is not only for religious ceremonies and for assemblies, but it also has to characterize the believer’s lifestyle and existence. In this book, we will discuss the various dimensions of worship. Through the examination of biblical and religious terminology, a proper understanding of the believer’s Call to Worship is established.

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Friday, May 17, 2024

Book of the Week: Magnify the Lord: Understanding the Dynamics of Worship and Praise


The Christian’s worship transcends the gathering together in churches. It extends into everyday life; characterizing the believer's life and existence. Those who desire to enter into effective worship, and those who lead others in worship must embrace this truth. In this book, we will discuss the three important dimensions of worship. Through the examination of biblical and religious terminology, a proper understanding of the exhortation, “Magnify the Lord” is established.

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Friday, May 10, 2024

Book of the Week: Let This Mind Be In You: Biblical Studies in Christian Character (Kingdom Citizens Series)


The Kingdom of God has ordinances that govern it. There is a way in which those therein should behave themselves. In this publication, we will discuss Kingdom Character. We will examine the appropriate character of the Christian. The Kingdom demands character. The believer must possess the mind and character of Christ.

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Friday, May 3, 2024

Book of the Week: The God of the Comeback: Discovering Personal Recovery in the Christian Life (Restoration and Recovery Series)

How do you handle personal mistakes? Do you allow them to paralyze your personal success and spiritual growth? Or, do you allow them to induce fear and doubt in your relationship with Christ? The Bible contains numerous accounts of individuals who failed in their relationship with Him. Yet, this did not prevent them from doing great things for Him. In the second book of this series, we will continue to examine the failures and ultimate successes of biblical characters. If they overcame, then, the Christian today can come out of any personal pit and enter into their God-given purpose. Their examples provide hope and strength for the Christian today. Book 2 of 2.

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Friday, April 26, 2024

Book of the Week: The Fine Arts of Christian Service: Biblical Insights for Fruitful Christian Service (Christian Living Series)

People want to be successful. Regardless of the venue or medium, success brings meaning and definition to one's life. The same holds true for the Christian ministry and service. The desire of the Christian should be to become fruitful disciples and servants of Jesus Christ. An attainable goal it is, but it takes work. 

It does not come without obstacles and oppositions. Therefore, the Christian needs to learn The Fine Arts of Christian Service. There is an art to Christian Service which is attainable through the principles set forth in the Bible. 

In the pages of this book, we will discuss six areas that are important to fruitful Christian service. In mastering these 'Arts,' the Christian is able to become profitable members of the Body of Christ. Book 2 of 2.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Book of the Week: For the Perfecting of the Saints: Exploring the Ministries of the Pastor and of the Teacher (Comparative Ministry Study Series)

The scriptures reveal that God has set ministries and gifts in the Church. The ministries of the apostle and the prophet provided the foundation for the Church. However, their ministries alone could not advance the Church. Thus, God set other ministries within the Church; namely, the pastor and the teacher. These ministries are important for the equipping and maturing of the saints. In the pages of this book, we will discuss the ministries of the pastor and of the teacher in detail. A proper understanding of these ministries will help individuals recognize and appreciate their functionality in the Church. Small Group and Bible study edition is available: " Pastoral and Teaching Ministries 101: Biblical Studies for the Ministries of the Pastor and of the Teacher."

Friday, April 12, 2024

Book of the Week: The Fine Arts of Christian Living: Biblical Insights to a Successful Christian Life (Christian Living Series)

People want to be successful. Regardless of the venue or medium, success brings meaning and definition to one's life. The same holds true for the Christian walk and experience. The desire of the Christian should be to live the best life possible through Christ. An attainable goal it is, but it takes work. It does not come without obstacles and oppositions. Therefore, the Christian needs to learn the Fine Arts of Christian Living. There is an art to the Christian life which is attainable through the principles set forth in the Bible. In the pages of this book, we will discuss six areas that are important to successful Christian living. In mastering these 'Arts,' the Christian is able to live in the abundant life. Book 1 of 2.

Friday, April 5, 2024

Book of the Week: No Other Foundation: Exploring the Apostolic and the Prophetic Anointings (Comparative Ministry Study Series)

 Controversy over the gifts and ministries of the Spirit has abounded for centuries. Various scholars have taught that there was a cessation of the gifts and ministries. More specifically, they affirm that the ministries of the Apostle and Prophet are no longer in operation nor valid. In this book, we will bring clarity to the roles of the apostles and prophets in the New Testament Church. In addition, we will explain with simplicity the apostolic and the prophetic anointing. It is our prayer that believers will recognize the operation of them in their lives and in the lives of others. We can be confident that God is still using His people in these last days.

Friday, March 29, 2024

Book of the Week: I Will Open My Mouth In Parables: Examining the Parables of the Hidden Treasure and of the Unmerciful Servant (Biblical Studies Series)


Story telling is an age-old tradition used to teach lessons. Stories are sometimes referred to as myths, fables, riddles, epics, and the like. In both Jewish and Christian tradition, when individuals wanted to explain a spiritual truth, they used stories known as parables. In this book, we will examine the parables of the hidden treasure, the pearl of great price, and the unmerciful servant. Readers will discover the value of the kingdom of God and the importance of forgiveness.

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Friday, March 22, 2024

Book of the Week: The Covenants Speak: An Examination of the Adamic and of the Noahic Covenants (Bible Studies Series)


What is a covenant? A biblical covenant is an agreement between God and man that governs their relationship. In the scriptures, a covenant was more than an impersonal contract, but a symbol of God's faithfulness and man's responsibility in worship. In both testaments, God established covenants with man. In this book, we will explore two foundational to God's interaction with His creation; that is, the Adamic Covenant and the Noahic Covenant. As we explore these two Covenants, we will see God's eternal purpose revealed, as well as the relevance of these covenants for the Christian today

Friday, March 15, 2024

Book of the Week: Prophetic Power Deluxe Edition (2 Books in 1): If They Be Prophets & The Prophetic Mantle (Abundant Truth Deluxe Editions)

Two informative books concerning prophets, prophetic ministry, and prophetic operations! From the library of Abundant Truth Publishing: 

If They Be Prophets: This book brings clarity to the role of the prophet in the New Testament Church. In addition, it explores the prophetic person and the prophetic anointing. It is our prayer that believers will recognize the operation of the prophetic office and gift in the Church. 

The Prophetic Mantle: The gift of prophecy is an awesome gift. Paul instructed us to covet to prophesy. The focus of this book is to bring clarity to the gift of prophecy, prophetic operations, and to the pitfalls associated with prophetic ministry. This information will help individuals to rediscover the purpose of the prophetic gift in the Church.

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Friday, March 8, 2024

Book of the Week: Power of the Spirit Deluxe Edition (2 Books in 1): The Spiritual Gifts & Dreams and Visions (Abundant Truth Deluxe Editions)

Two enlightening books concerning dreams, visions, and spiritual gifts in one edition! From the library of Abundant Truth Publishing: The Spiritual Gifts & Dreams and Visions

Two enlightening books concerning dreams, visions, and spiritual gifts in one edition! From the library of Abundant Truth Publishing:

The Spiritual Gifts: God gives the Church gifts to benefit everyone. The purpose of the gifts is not make us "spiritual," but to help us to serve and minister to one another in love. The operation of the Spirit of God and His gifts/ministries among believers testifies to the presence of God in the Church. In this book, we will take a biblical approach to examining and explaining the gifts and ministries of the Spirit, their functions, and how to recognize them in operation.

Dreams and Visions: When Jesus made us citizens of the Kingdom, it came with advantages. As members of the kingdom of God, we are eligible to partake of the outpouring of the Spirit. The books of Joel and Acts declare that the direct result of the outpouring of the Spirit of God would be revelation. Men and women could receive and communicate by the Spirit of God; two ways this is done is through dreams and visions. In this book, we will discuss the various aspects of dreams and visions. We will examine the different types of dreams and visions; how to interpret dreams, and how to apply them to our lives.

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Friday, March 1, 2024

Book of the Week: Apostolic Authority Deluxe Edition (2 Books in 1): The Apostle Question & The Apostolic Paradigm Shift (Abundant Truth Deluxe Editions)

The Apostle Question: The focus of this book is to bring clarity and understanding to the role of the apostle in the Church. Sound biblical answers to questions concerning the function of the apostle are answered. This information will help individuals to recognize the operations of this anointing in their lives and in the lives of others. It is our hope that believers will develop a greater respect and acceptance of the apostolic office and gift. 

The Apostolic Paradigm Shift: Apostles and apostolic ministry are important to the furtherance of the Kingdom of God and the Church. But, some have become vulnerable to deception and error. Many apostles have abused their ministries and authority. Therefore, the Lord is going to send an apostolic paradigm shift in the midst of the Church. It is designed to bring purity again to the apostolic office. Not only in the execution of this ministry, but also in the perspective for which it is received. In this book, we will explain the apostolic paradigm shift God is sending in the Church.

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Friday, February 23, 2024

Apologetic Ministry and Discipline Deluxe Edition (5 Books in 1): Theological Studies in Apologetic Ministry

In this collection of five apologetic books from the LOGOS Apologetics Series, a foundation for apologetic ministry as an integral part of God’s interaction with men will be established. It will be demonstrated how apologetics began in the Garden and will not end until the 2nd Advent of Jesus Christ. A discussion of how the ways and means of apologetic ministry developed in accordance with the historical needs of humankind. In addition, A clear definition of apologetics operations and ministries in the 21st Century will be established. Titles included:

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Friday, February 16, 2024

Book of the Week: Keys to Spiritual Growth: Discovering Steps to Christian Maturity (Kingdom Keys Series)

In this publication, we will briefly discuss steps to Christian maturity and growth. As a follower of Christ, we must be willing to discipline ourselves that we can grow in grace and knowledge. It is our prayer that this brief study will guide you on your path to spiritual maturity.

Friday, February 9, 2024

Book of the Week: Sing Praises to the King: Lead Sheets and Lyrics (Mikhtam Music Sheet Music Series)

The psalmist declared, "sing praises to our King." In this sheet music collection are songs for corporate and private worship. The lead sheets include the vocal melody for each song, notated on its own staff, along with lyrics and chord fingering grids for optional guitar accompaniment.