Friday, June 28, 2024

Book of the Week: Press Towards the Mark: Responding to the Christian Call to Male Perseverance (Abundant Truth Men's Study Series)


God has a plan for our lives. Though His ultimate desire is for men to be sons of God indeed, God has also placed the male in the earth to reach a certain destiny. God is a God of purpose. Everything that He does has a reason and a purpose behind it. If God has allowed us to live thus far, it is because we have not reached our destiny. In this publication, men will discover some foundational truths to fulfilling the will of God for their lives. Includes Perseverance Journal.


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Sunday, June 23, 2024

The Apostolic Revolution: Exploring the Apostolic Restoration and Reformation (Apostolic Ministry Revival Series)


Apostles and apostolic ministry are important to the furtherance of the Kingdom of God and the Church. But, some have become vulnerable to deception and error. Many apostles have abused their ministries and authority. Therefore, the Lord is going to send an apostolic paradigm shift in the midst of the Church. In the first book of this series, we will show the events that led to the primary apostolic revolution in the early Church. We will discuss how there was a need for a replacement in the early apostles which was the prerequisite for the outpouring of the Spirit and formation and foundation of the establishment of the New Testament faith and early disciples.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Book of the Week: Power for Kingdom Service: Exploring the Gifts and Ministries of the Kingdom (Abundant Truth Spiritual Gifts Series)

In this book, we will briefly discuss the gifts and ministries of the Spirit of God, their functions, and how to recognize them in operation. God gives the Church gifts to benefit everyone. The purpose of the gifts is not make us spiritual, but to help us to serve and minister to one another in love. The operation of the Spirit of God and His gifts/ministries among believers testifies to the presence of God in the Church.


Friday, June 14, 2024

Book of the Week: The Successful Christian 101: Twelve Lessons for Mastering the Art of Christian Life and Service


There is an art to the Christian life and service which is attainable through the principles set forth in the Bible. In the pages of this study, we will discuss twelve areas that are important to successful Christian living. In mastering these areas, the Christian is able to live in the abundant life.

Ebook Versions

Friday, June 7, 2024

Book of the Week: Christian Discipleship 101: Lessons for Spiritual Growth and Maturity in the Christian Life (Kingdom Study Series)


Christians are called to be disciples. Though we engage in religious services and ministries, the pursuit of discipleship must be the foundation for the Christian's life and service. In this study, we will examine three parables: the parables of the hidden treasure, the pearl of great price, and the unmerciful servant. As we learn from these parables, we will stay on the path to true discipleship.

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