Friday, November 29, 2024

Book of the Week: The Believer's Guide to the Apostolic Ministry: A Comprehensive Study of the Apostolic Ministry in the Church (Ministerial Endowments Series)

In this book, we will bring clarity to the roles of apostles, functionality of apostolic ministry, and the apostolic expressions of the apostolic gift. This study is comprised of 4 distinct works on the apostolic office and gift:

1)The Making of the Apostle: The Preparation of the Apostle and Apostolic Minister for Ministry and Service

2)The Apostle Question: Exploring the Role of Apostles in the New Testament Church

3) The Apostolic Revolution: Exploring the Apostolic Restoration and Reformation

4) The Apostolic Paradigm Shift: Examining the Coming Reformation of Apostles and Apostolic Ministry

It is our prayer that a greater understand and appreciation for the apostolic gift and ministry will be achieved.


Ebook Version (s)

Friday, November 22, 2024

Book of the Week: Angels of Deception: Recognizing False Ministers (Abundant Truth Leadership Series)

False ministers come in varying categories; that is, they demonstrate their false ministries in differing guises and gimmicks. In this publication, we want to explore five common types of false workers and ministers in the Church. As members of the Kingdom of God, we should be able to recognize and expose false ministers who try to infiltrate the Church.

Friday, November 15, 2024

Book of the Week: Keys to the Promises of God: Maintaining Faith While You Wait (Kingdom Keys Series)


In the publication, we will look closely at the biblical account of God’s promise to Abraham. From this, will discover truth to help Christians today to maintain faith as we wait on the promises of God.

Friday, November 8, 2024

Book of the Week: Keys to Service: Mastering the Art of Christian Servanthood (Kingdom Keys Series)


Service is a vital aspect of the Christian walk and experience. Each member of the Body of Christ is called to serve others. Jesus claimed that He did not come to be served, but to serve. This should be the attitude of every Christian.

In the publication, we will discuss the Christian call to servanthood. Though obstacles and challenges exist, Christian can master the art of servitude. Be encouraged to know that fruitful Chrisian service is attainable.


Ebook version (s)

Friday, November 1, 2024

Book of the Week: Ministry Matters 101: Foundational Studies for Ministers and the Ministry (Kingdom Study Series)

This teaching and study material is designed to bring sobriety to the purpose of ministry in the Kingdom. Ministry is a valuable part of the Kingdom. God anoints individuals in the Church with ministries and gifts to glorify Him. However, as the day of the Lord hastens, we find many believers entering into ministry with wrong motives. In addition, others are pursuing gifts for their own personal gain. Learn why God gives gifts and ministries and how to avoid error. This study is derived from 3 distinct works from the Abundant Truth International Leadership Series:

1) He Gave Gifts Unto Men: God's Plan for Ministry in the Kingdom

2) Motives in Ministry: Defining the Proper Motives for Ministry and Service

3) Troubled on Every Side: How God Uses People and Problems to Prepare Us for Ministry and Service

It is our prayer this study will aid those engaged in Christian ministry

Ebook Version (s)