Friday, January 31, 2025

Book of the Week: Perseverance under Pressure : Maintaining Faith and Endurance in Challenging Times (Abundant Truth International's Inspirational Series)

The bible contains numerous passages describing the trials, tests, and tribulations that accompany the Christian life and experience. However, believers are encouraged to stand in faith and hope even during difficult circumstances and situations. 

In this book, we want to offer encouragement and hope to Christians who are experiencing difficult circumstances. Embrace faith and endurance in your challenging situations.


Ebook Version (s)

Friday, January 24, 2025

Book of the Week: The Training of the Teaching Disciple: The Preparation of the Teaching Disciple for Ministry and Service (Potter's Wheel Study Series)

In this book, we will examine those who have a teaching anointing and gift. The outpouring of the Spirit gave all believers the ability to understand and explain Him through the Word. The apostles instructed the believers to teach one another in various manners. We must remember that some believers are gifted by God to teach without occupying the office of the Teacher. These people are referred to as teaching disciples. God has a preparation process for those who will operate in the teaching anointing and grace. Learn to accept God’s method for successful service.

Friday, January 17, 2025

Book of the Week: The Perfecting of the Pastoral Person: The Preparation of the Pastoral Person for Ministry and Service (Potter's Wheel Study Series)

In this book, we will examine those who possess a pastoral grace and endowment. Those possessing a pastoral anointing are referred to as pastoral people. They have a passion for Christ and the Church. In addition, we will consider how God’s perfects the pastoral person for service in the Church.


Ebook Version (s)

Friday, January 10, 2025

Book of the Week: If You Have Seen Me, You Have Seen the Father: Understanding the Fullness of the Godhead (Biblical Studies Series)

In this study, we will explore foundational truths concerning the Godhead; that is the divine nature. We know that the nature of God eternally exists in three Persons: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

However, at the core of the Godhead is the relationship between the Father and the Son. In this study, we will look exclusively at the relationship and correlation between the Father and Son. It is our hope this information will give a foundation to the doctrine of the Trinity.

Friday, January 3, 2025

Book of the Week: Prophetic Clarity: Exploring Questions & Answers for the Prophetic Office and Gift (Abundant Truth Spiritual Gifts Series)

The gift of prophecy and the prophetic office are God’s gift to the New Testament Church. However, controversy and confusion still permeate the Body of Christ.

In this publication, we will address prevalent questions and provide pertinent answers surrounding prophetic manifestations. It is our prayer that a greater understand and appreciation for prophetic operations will be accomplished.