Friday, February 28, 2025
Book of the Week: Keys to Apologetics: Exploring the Mandate, the Mindset, and the Method of Christian Apologetics (Abundant Truth Leadership Series)
Friday, February 21, 2025
Book of the Week: The Mission of the Deacon: Practical Guidelines for Aspirant C.O.G.I.C. Deacons (C.O.G.I.C. Protocols Series)
Friday, February 14, 2025
Book of the Week: The Believer’s Guide to the Teaching Ministry: A Comprehensive Study of the Teaching Ministry in the Church (Ministry Guides Series)
In this book, we will bring clarity to the roles of teachers, the functionality of the teaching ministry, and the expressions of the teaching gift. This study is comprised of 3 distinct works on the teaching office and gift:
1) The Building of the Teacher: The Preparation of the Teacher and the Teaching Disciple for Ministry and Service
2) Now Concerning Teachers: Establishing the Role of the Teacher in the Body of Christ
3) The Training of the Teaching Disciple: The Preparation of the Teaching Disciple for Ministry and Service
It is our prayer that a greater understanding and appreciation for the teaching gift and ministry will be achieved.
Friday, February 7, 2025
Book of the Week: The Believer’s Guide to the Pastoral Ministry: A Comprehensive Study of the Pastoral Ministry in the Church (Ministry Guides Series)
In this book, we will bring clarity to the roles of pastors, the functionality of pastoral ministry, and the expressions of the pastoral gift. This study is comprised of 3 distinct works on the pastoral office and gift:
1)The Yoking of the Pastor: The Preparation of the Pastor for Ministry and Service
2) I Will Give You Pastors: Examining the Pastoral Office in the New Testament Church
3) Keys to Pastoral Ministry and Recovery: Help for Wounded Healer
4) The Perfecting of the Pastoral Person: The Preparation of the Pastoral Person for Ministry and Service
It is our prayer that a greater understanding and appreciation for the prophetic gift and ministry will be achieved.