In this second book of the logos apologetics series, we will examine the institution of apologetics in New Testament Christianity. We will investigate the biblical roots of apologetics beginning with Jesus. Moreover, we will explore how apologetic ministry manifested in the lives of the apostles. It is our prayer that you will appreciate the heritage of apologetics in the New Testament Church.
Friday, December 29, 2023
Book of the Week: The Development of New Testament Apologetics: Exploring the Institution of Apologetics in New Testament Christianity (Logos Apologetics Series Book 2)
Friday, December 22, 2023
Book of the Week: The Antiquity of Apologetics: Exploring the Biblical Foundation for the Apologetic Ministry and Discipline (Logos Apologetics Series Book 1)
Friday, December 15, 2023
Book of the Week: The Apologetic Ministry: Exploring the Apologetic Ministry and Discipline (Kingdom Stewards Series)
In this publication, we will give an introductory examination of the practical demonstrations of apologetics in 21st Century Christian Church. We will examine the functions which characterize the apologetic ministry and discipline. In addition, we will define the different dimensions of apologetic operations in Christian ministry and service. For a fuller examination, please check out the book, "The Demonstration of Modern Apologetics: Exploring the Functionality of Apologetics in the 21st Century Christian Church."
Friday, December 8, 2023
Book of the WeeK: The Christian Teen's Guide to Friendships: Exploring Issues and Answers for Healthy Friendships (Youth and Young Adult Series)
In this book, we will discuss relationships and the Christian teen. The Christian teen will discover how to have positive and wholesome friendships and relationships. They will learn strategies for dissolving bad relationships. Christian teens will learn to set boundaries for their interactions in order to maintain a proper relationship with God. In addition, they will learn to be honest about their feelings and temptations and abort any relationship that will have a negative impact on their future successes. The Christian youth will understand how to have fruitful, peaceful, and beneficial relationships in his/her life.
Friday, December 1, 2023
Book of the Week: The Art of Prayer: How to Pray for God's Presence and Strength (Prayer Studies Series)
The Bible is full of prayers. From his earliest existence, man used prayer as a primary mode of communication with God. Prayers were made for different reasons. Prayer is an essential component to the believer’s walk with the Lord. Through prayer Christians communicate with God and receive strength. Therefore, a consistent prayer life is important. In this book, we will examine Asa's prayer for God's presence and strength. Asa's example in prayer should give us insight into the Art of Prayer. His example should encourage us to call upon the name of the Lord in times of opposition and testing.
Friday, November 24, 2023
Book of the Week: The Mystery of God: A Biblical Approach to Understanding the Godhead (Kingdom Mystery Series)
In this book, we will explore the mystery of God; that is, the doctrine of the Trinity or Triune God. For years, the debate continues as to whether Jesus Christ and the Father are the same or if they are separate. Answers to this controversy are within the word of God which clearly reveals the truth. In this publication, we will plainly discuss the Godhead; that is, the divine nature of God. Through the presentation of biblical truth, we will bring clarity to this controversial subject.
Friday, November 17, 2023
Book of the Week: The Chastening of the Lord: Biblical Studies in God's Discipline
Friday, October 27, 2023
Book of the Week: Walk in the Spirit: Biblical Studies in Christian Conduct (Kingdom Citizens Series)
God has a standard of living that we, as believers, must live by. However, we must remember that our good works and acts must be a product of Christ’s character being formed in us. In this publication, we will examine the proper conduct for the Christian.
Friday, October 20, 2023
Book of the Week: Enoch, the Righteous: A Brief Expository of the Man Who Pleased God (Kingdom Characters Series)
In this publication, we will explore the life of Enoch. Enoch is known as the man who pleased God. Consequently, he went to heaven without dying. Though much is not written concerning him, we can learn from him. Through his example, we will learn how to please the Lord in our walk with him.
Friday, October 13, 2023
Book of the Week: The Prophetic Ministry: Exploring the Prophetic Office and Gift (Kingdom Stewards Series)
This publication presents a solid introduction to the prophetic ministry. It will bring clarity and understanding to the prophetic office, the prophetic anointing, and the gift of prophecy. This information will help individuals to recognize the operations of this anointing in their lives and in the lives of others. It is our hope that believers will develop a greater respect and appreciation for the prophetic office and gift.
Friday, October 6, 2023
Book of the Week: Manasseh, the Repentant: A Brief Expository of the Forgetful King (Kingdom Characters Series)
Friday, September 29, 2023
Book of the Week: Conformed to His Image: Biblical Studies in Predestination (Kingdom Citizens Series)
Friday, September 22, 2023
Book of the Week: I'm Just Sayin': A Poetry Anthology for Life Moments
Friday, September 1, 2023
Book of the Week: Study to Show Yourself Approved: Exploring Christian Concepts for Victorious Living (Abundant Truth International's Inspirational Series)
In this book, we have compiled select teachings and exhortations to help the Christian become the proverbial master of his domain. Some areas of interest are the image of the Christian, the internal struggles of the Christian, and the inevitabilities that come with Christian life. It is our hope that this collection challenges and encourages the Christian today.
Friday, August 18, 2023
Book of the Week: The Mystery of Sonship: Exploring the Relationship between Salvation, Servant-hood, and Sonship (Kingdom Mystery Series)
In this book, we will explore the mystery of sonship. Our salvation does not only entitle us to right-standing with God, but also relationship. Through salvation, we become sons (and daughters) of God. This relationship, however, does not exempt us from our responsibilities as servants of the Lord. In the pages of this book, we will examine the relationship between the salvation, servant-hood, and sonship of the believer.
Friday, August 11, 2023
Book of the Week: The Walk of Faith: Exploring Christian Precepts for Victorious Living (Abundant Truth International's Inspirational Series)
In this book, we have compiled select teachings and exhortations to transform the Christian's walk with Christ. Some areas of interest are the focus of the Christian, the fears of the Christian, and the fervor of the Christian. It is our hope that this collection challenges and encourages the Christian today.
Friday, August 4, 2023
Book of the Week: Motives in Ministry: Defining the Proper Motives for Ministry and Service (Abundant Truth Leadership Series)
What is motive? How do we define motivation? Motive/motivation is defined as something (as a need or desire) that causes a person to act. So then, what causes us to do what we do in the Kingdom? What are the forces driving you to want to minister? Why do you want God to use you? Why do you allow God to use you? Self-inventory has to be taken on a regular basis. It is only through self-examination that our motives in ministry and service remain pure. As leaders and servants in the Church and kingdom of God, we can lose focus on God's plan and purpose for ministry.
Friday, July 14, 2023
Book of the Week: Troubled on Every Side: How God Uses People and Problems to Prepare Us for Ministry and Service (Abundant Truth Leadership Series)
Time would fail to try to explain all of the dynamics that are associated with God’s preparation process for ministry and service. There is a definite art to how He does it. The only person that can hinder us is ourselves. In the pages of this book, we will discuss how God uses problematic people and situations to prepare us before and during ministry for effective service.
Friday, July 7, 2023
Book of the Week: The Doctrine of Sanctification: Understanding Sanctification and Holiness in the Christian Life (Kingdom Discipleship Series)
Sanctification is a vital aspect of the Christian experience. Those who come to Christ are sanctified; that is, set apart for God s plan and purpose. However, sanctification is not just a positional work of grace, but also a conditional work of believers as they grow in the knowledge of Christ. In this issue, we will discuss the doctrine of sanctification and its place in the Christian s life. In addition, we will explore the conditional and positional aspects of sanctification and its relationship to holiness.
Friday, June 16, 2023
Book of the Week: The Lazarus Effect: Experiencing a Personal Resurrection (Restoration and Recovery Series)
Friday, June 9, 2023
Book of the Week: The Pastoral Ministry: Exploring the Pastoral Office and Gift (Kingdom Stewards Series)
The focus of this book is to bring clarity and understanding to the pastoral office and the pastoral anointing. This information will help individuals to recognize the operations of this anointing in their lives and in the lives of others. It is our hope that believers will develop a greater respect and appreciation for the pastoral office and gift.
Friday, June 2, 2023
Book of the Week: No Man Knows the Hour: Biblical Studies in the Coming Kingdom (Kingdom Citizens Series)
In this publication, we will discuss the coming Kingdom of heaven. We are now part of the Kingdom of God, but there is yet a greater manifestation of the Kingdom in store for us. We have must examine how to live in the Kingdom of God at present, but we must live in hope of the coming of the Kingdom of God in all its majesty.
Friday, May 26, 2023
Book of the Week: The Teaching Ministry: Exploring the Teaching Office and Gift (Kingdom Stewards Series)
The focus of this book is to bring clarity and understanding to the teaching office and the teaching anointing. This information will help individuals to recognize the operations of this anointing in their lives and in the lives of others. It is our hope that believers will develop a greater respect and appreciation for the teaching office and gift.
Friday, May 5, 2023
Book of the Week: The God of Another Chance: Overcoming Your Failures, Possessing Your Divine Destiny (Restoration and Recovery Series)
Friday, April 28, 2023
Book of the Week: He Gave Gifts Unto Men: God's Plan For Ministry In The Kingdom (Abundant Truth Leadership)
Ministry is a valuable part of the Kingdom. God anoints individuals in the Church with ministries and gifts to glorify Him. However, as the day of the Lord hastens, we find many believers entering into ministry with wrong motives. In addition, others are pursuing gifts for their own personal gain. This publication will give believers a pure perspective for ministry.
Friday, April 21, 2023
Book of the Week: I Will Give You Pastors: Examining the Pastoral Office in the New Testament Church
Friday, April 14, 2023
Book of the Week: The Apostolic Ministry: Exploring the Apostolic Office and Gift (Kingdom Stewards Series)
The focus of this book is to bring clarity and understanding to the apostolic office, the apostolic anointing. This information will help individuals to recognize the operations of this anointing in their lives and in the lives of others. It is our hope that believers will develop a greater respect and appreciation for the apostolic office and gift. Available Here and
Friday, March 31, 2023
Book of the Week: The Grace Factor: A Brief Examination of the Doctrine of Eternal Security (Kingdom Contenders Series)
Can Christians be assured of their salvation? Is it true that once someone is saved, they are always saved regardless of their lifestyles? What do the writings of the apostles and prophets say about these things. In this publication, we will examine the doctrine of eternal security and its validity in Christian thought and practice.
Friday, March 24, 2023
Book of the Week: The Ministry of the Elder: Practical Guidelines for Ordained C.O.G.I.C. Ministers
Friday, March 17, 2023
Book of the Week: The Mandate of the Expeditor: A Brief Guide to the Protocols of C.O.G.I.C. Expeditors and Masters of Ceremonies
Friday, March 10, 2023
Book of the Week: Clouds Without Water: A Brief Study of False Ministers in the New Testament Church (Abundant Truth Leadership Series Book 4)
In this publication, we will explore the subject of false ministers. Jesus said that many would come in His name. As Christians, we need to be able to identify false ministers. Though some may appear like true Christians, the scriptures provide guidelines for their identification. It is our hope that these angels of deception will not deceive any believer.
Friday, March 3, 2023
Book of the Week: Teach Us to Pray: Biblical Studies in Prayer (Kingdom Citizens Series)
In this publication, we will discuss how to approach God in prayer. Christ gave us access to the Father. The Bible is full of prayers and admonitions to God’s people to trust Him in prayer. Through prayer, we can receive comfort, hope, strength, and help in the time of need. As a kingdom citizen, you can go to God in prayer.
Friday, February 24, 2023
Book of the Week: The Promise of the Father: An Introduction to the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and the Gift of Tongues
The ministry of the Holy Spirit is the prominent feature of the New Testament church. In the Old Testament God promised that His Spirit would be outpoured upon all flesh. On the day of Pentecost, God’s promise was fulfilled. In the pages of this book, the dynamics of the promise of the Father; that is, the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the gift of tongues will be explored.
Friday, February 17, 2023
Book of the Week: Interpreting Dreams and Visions: A Biblical Approach to Interpreting Dreams and Visions (Abundant Truth Spiritual Giftseries)
Friday, February 10, 2023
Book of the Week: Kingdom Citizens Deluxe Edition (6 Mini-Books in1): Precepts for Victorious Kingdom Living (Abundant Truth Deluxe Editions)
Jesus told the disciples that He would give us the keys to the Kingdom. We know that He spoke of authority and access. The Kingdom Citizens series is designed to help believers live daily as followers of Christ. Kingdom Citizens gives brief and vital information teaching Christians how to live under God’s rule in a world that is opposed to Christ. It is our prayer that you will be blessed by the materials presented. Jesus said that it is our Father’s good pleasure to give us the Kingdom.
Friday, February 3, 2023
Book of the Week: Book of the Week: Keys to Patience: Understanding the Patience Factor in the Christian Life (Kingdom Keys Series)
Friday, January 20, 2023
Book of the Week: Keys to Understanding the Process: Understanding God's Preparation (Kingdom Keys Series)
Friday, January 13, 2023
Book of the Week: Keys to Pastoral Ministry and Recovery: Help for Wounded Healers (Kingdom Keys Series)
Friday, January 6, 2023
Book of the Week: Prophetic Ministry, Misery, and Mishaps: Rediscovering the Purpose of the Prophetic Gift (Abundant Truth Spiritual Gifts Series)
The gift of prophecy is an awesome gift. Paul instructed us to covet to prophesy. However, some men and women have used this exhortation to pursue the operation of the gift rather than the function of the gift. This has produced erroneous prophetic ministry in the Church. Many lives have been negatively influenced. Misery was a product of these Mishaps in ministry. The focus of this book is to bring clarity to the gift of prophecy and understanding of the pitfalls associated with prophetic ministry. This information will help individuals to rediscover the purpose of the prophetic gift in the Church. For a full examination of the gift of prophecy, see my book, "The Prophetic Mantle: The Gift of Prophecy and Prophetic Operations in the Church Today."